Author: drrsroy

  • Ayurvedic Treatments for Skin Diseases


    Ayurveda is considered as the Science of Life.It is the ancient Indian medical science that promises the holistic wellness.The main objectives of Ayurvedic treatments are maintaining health of a healthy person and restoring health of a diseased person. Ayurveda is a medication process which enlights a patient’s mind and thoughts.The principles and believes of Ayurveda are mainly depends upon nature. Generally,the Ayurveda is also named as the three elemental substances called the doshas(Vata, Pitta and Kapha).Vata dosha, in which the air and space elements dominate and Pitta dosha, in which the fire element dominates and Kapha dosha, in which the earth and water elements dominate The main Ayurvedic Skin Disease treatment are: Psoriasis. Eczema. Scabies. Psoriasis: Psoriasis is considered as the prolonged skin disorder which results the hyper proliferation of the skin.The psoriasis is generally characterized by dry skin,red and scaly patches. The main symptoms of psoriasis are: *Red patches of skin covered with silvery scales. *Small scaling spots (commonly seen in children). *Dry, cracked skin that may bleed. *Itching, burning or soreness. *Thickened, pitted or ridged nails. *Swollen and stiff joints. There are several types of psoriasis.They are: *Plaque psoriasis. *Nail psoriasis. *Scalp psoriasis. *Guttate psoriasis. *Inverse psoriasis. *Pustular psoriasis. *Erythrodermic psoriasis. *Psoriatic arthritis. Ezcema: Ezcema also named as Vicharchika is a skin disease which is common among childrens.It mostly affectss the upper layer of the skin. The main symptons of the Ezcema are: * Dry, leather-like thickening or crusting of the skin. * Scaling or sometimes blistering of the skin. * Cracking. * Redness and swelling, often accompanied by itching. Scabies: Scabies is one of the most common skin diseases that affects people at any age.It is infectious. Scabies may be caused due to infestation by Sarcoptes Scabiei, an itch mite.The Secondary infection may also occur due to a certain type of bacterial skin infection called impetigo.It generally develops due to scratching in the skin. The main symptoms of the Scabies are: * Itching papules will appear. * There will be itching which may be quite acute at times. * There can also be eczema, pus formation, scratching, and inflammation. * The skin areas below the collar line starts turning reddish. Amritha Ayurveda Centre providing Best Vitiligo, Psoriasis, Scabies, Dermatitis etc. Get Best Vitiligo Treatments in Kerala at an affordable costs also provides One of the Best Psoriasis Treatments in Kerala.

  • Vitiligo Treatments

    What Is Vitiligo

    • Vitiligo is a condition which affects the skin’s pigmentation and results in loss of the normal skin colour.
    • It is characterised by white patches on the body
    • Often surrounded by a heavy pigmented border
    • Vitiligo Affects the people of all ages
    • Around ⅓ of patients with vitiligo have family members with the same condition.
    Vitiligo treatments Kerala
    • Gradual loss of melanin resulting in depigmentation
    • White patches on different parts of the body which may starts progression
    • Psychological disorders
    • Does not cause any organic harm

    What are its Symptoms

    • White patches on the skin which may vary in size or shape(no fixed pattern)
    • These patches may appear on different parts of the body
    • The hair present at the Vitiligo affected parts sometimes turn white

    What are the Causes?

    • Inheritance
    • Severe mental or physical trauma
    • Other autoimmune diseases

    Which Body part did Vitiligo Affects

    Vitiligo can be affected any part of the skin, right from head scalp to feet soles it can affect any part
    the common parts that vitiligo affects:

    • Eye
    • Lips
    • Cheeks
    • Ears
    • Neck
    • Chest
    • Hands

    How to Treat
    There are Number options are available for treating Vitiligo. It is very difficult to rectify this condition completely. Ayurveda Vitiligo treatments cannot have any types of side effects
    The Best vitiligo treatment specialist in kerala offers best treatment for vitiligo with affordable costs with 75% guarantee. Dr.R.S.Roy is one Best Dermatologist in Kerala has years of experience in Ayurveda treatments such a Vitiligo, Psoriasis, Urticaria, Dandruff etc

  • Best Vitiligo Treatments

    Vitiligo Disease Cure Treatment In Kerala

    Vitiligo or Leukoderma is the skin whitenign disease in which the gradual pigment melanin loss occurs and results white patches in the skin.The Vitiligo is generally considered as a special kind of leucoderma and it may not make any organic harm to the body.

    The Vitiligo may usually stats with a small spot and it later may spreads into patches.In some cases, the patches may become spreads all over the boy.The Complete heal for Vitiligo is now insuffient.

    The Vitiligo is more often found in women than in men.The main causes of the vitiligo are, jaundice, burn injuries, typhoids etc.It is also noticeable that, the hereditary factors may also affect the formation of the Vitiligo.

    Dr.Rs Roy is one of the Best Dermatologist in Kerala offers best treatments for vitiligo at an affordable costs in India. Ayurvedic treatment for vitiligo available at Amrita Ayurveda Medical Centre kochi, Kerala.

  •  Rejuvenate Your Appearance 

    Are you tired of getting treated for psoriasis by creams and cortisone? Isn’t your psoriasis coming back again and again? Get relief from psoriasis and gain back a normal skin from Amrita Ayurveda Medical Center, Kochi. The center provides a complete solution for all your skin diseases.

    Psoriasis is a persistent skin disease where patches are appeared on skin. These patches are itchy, scaly and reddish. Here the skin cells get attacked by immune system, making the skin cells multiply 10 times faster than normal. Psoriasis is a non-contagious disease.

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    • Scaly patches on scalp, knee, elbows.
    • Raised and reddish patches on skin causing itching
    • Discoloration of nails
    • Bleeding on cracked skin
    • Inflammation

    The symptoms of psoriasis fluctuates depending on climate, physiological stress, spread of infection etc. The psoriasis can ??also affect bones, to cause psoriatic arthritis.


    Pustular psoriasis: Here, red and scaly patches are appeared on hands and feet with tiny pustules ( small bumps on skin containing pus or fluid).

    Guttate psoriasis: Here, red spots are developed on limbs, it’s often seen in children.

    Inverse psoriasis: Here, red and shiny lesions appear on skin folds.

    Erythrodermic psoriasis: Here, redness on skin, shedding of scales are observed.


    Panchakarma is the method used to treat psoriasis. It is the process of cleansing and rejuvenating the whole body. By this process toxins get removed and it improves the overall health. In addition to this, intake of other medicines, massages, steam bath etc are also included in the treatment.

    Amrita Ayurveda Medical Center offers the best psoriasis treatment in India. Dr.RS Roy is the Chief Consultant of this hospital. The hospital offers the best ayurvedic treatment. Get relief from psoriasis and other skin disorders through Ayurvedic Treatment.

  • Ayurvedic Treatment For White Patches

    The appearance of white patches on skin  is termed as vitiligo or leukoderma. It can be affected on any of the body part. People with vitiligo may experience social discrimination. It can reduce their confidence and self-esteem. The ayurvedic treatment for white patches will give you a complete relief from vitiligo, as these treatments are  natural and free from side effects.

    Due to an  autoimmune condition, in which the body’s immune system destroys melanocytes ( pigment giving color to skin) the cells get damaged and it leads to the formation of white patches on skin. Vitiligo can be affected on all people irrespective of their gender, age and race.  



    Pigment loss on various body parts. It is commonly affected on areas that are exposed to sun, areas around moles, body folds etc. In addition, it can also be affected on eyelids and hair.


    Ayurveda is the science of life, where focus is given to eliminate the root cause of disease and to prevent the disease completely. Switra or kilasa is the ayurvedic term of vitiligo. It is classified into 3 types: Vatika; Paithika; Kaphaja. Extensive and long term treatment is necessary to manage the condition effectively. Ayurvedic treatment helps to improve the metabolism and immunity of the body by cleansing and removing the toxins. This will help to restore the pigmentation of skin.
    Amrita Ayurveda Medical Centre provides the  best vitiligo treatments in indiaDr. R.S Roy, BAMS is the chief Consultant of the hospital. He is one of the best dermatologist in Kerala, who provides a complete solution for all skin ailments.

  • Dandruff

    Dandruff is the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp which is not infectious. A normal flaking of dead cells is normal in all of us, whereas some people will have unusual flaking by some triggers which are accompanied by Erythema and irritation.

    Daranakam is the Ayurvedic name for dandruff. This disease is prevalent in the body with doshas of vata, pitta, and Kapha. Though it is considered as a skin problem, dandruff pathology is closely involved with Agni, doshas and dhatus disturbances.

    ayurvedic dandruff treatment

    This is an embarrassing condition and the person who is affected by dandruff will have a stigma to wearing a dark colored dress since the flakes fall on the dress and persistent itching will be there. The person cannot walk around anywhere freely.

    Causes of Dandruff:

    • Either using shampoos often or not using at all
    • Excessive exposure to chill climate / heavy sunlight
    • Imbalanced diet
    • Keeping the head and body unhygienic
    • Severe stress
    • Oil and dry skin
    • Side effects of some medicines
    • Night awakening
    • Suppressing natural urges
    • Dust Exposure

    Natural Remedies for Dandruff:

    Applying warm coconut oil / olive oil / tea tree oil and massaging, Massage with some amount of lemon juice on the scalp. The acidity of lemon keeps the balance of pH in the scalp which in turn keeps dandruff off. Using aloe vera gel will effectively work on itching

    Ayurvedic Dandruff Treatment:

    • Skin dryness is due to Vata Dosha and oil skin is by Kapha Dosha. Hence dandruff treatment in Ayurveda involves with treating and balancing vata and Kapha.
    • Shamana is a palliative therapy that suppresses the doshas within the body
    • Shodana is a purifying therapy where the doshas are expelled out from the body
    • Rasayana otherwise Keshya rasayanas promotes the scalp health overall and effective against dandruff
    • Shirodhara, Shirobasti not only alleviates dandruff but also improves the quality of hair and relieves the mental stress.

    Amrita Ayurveda Medical Centre, Kerala is a descendant from a traditional Ayurvedic family well treats all kinds of skin problems and allergies. It is the best place to take Ayurvedic dandruff treatment with nil side effects.